Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Hello and welcome (once again!) to the 2008 session of Bridge at Columbia College Chicago. These next four weeks have been designed to be an intense and rewarding experience for you.

As a part of your English Studies course in Bridge, you will be required to post prompts and respond to promts here on our Bridge 2008 Blog.

The purpose of this work is to provide you with more opportunity to write, with more expereince with responding to ideas.

In this, your first Blog posting, I ask that you write an Introduction for yourself. You might begin with some basic demographic information--age, major, where you live, family members, etc.--but work toward a more complicated, complex, and complete presentation of yourself. Don't only tell us what you like to do, but WHY. You might begin by describing how you spend your time, but also let us in on your own personal beliefs about some idea. What makes you who you are? What makes you think the way you do?

Of course, you can't say everything about yourself in this short amount of time, but do what you can to really give us an interesting description of who you are and why you're here in the Bridge program.


Amy Hawkins said...

One of the things I absolutely love to do is to cook. I didn't always know that I loved to cook. I began cooking because it was my way of contributing to the household, of claiming a "job" that did not require my hands to touch water--I hate cleaning. So, initially, cooking was a negative, rather than a positive response: I cook because I don't want to be doing something else.

Then, I began to cook. And, as I began to cook, I recalled a past of cooking and baking: my grandmother and my father and my mother, each with their own approach, their own areas of expertise, their own style. My grandmother was the baker--made the best sugar cookies in the world. I have many of her old recipes now, hand-written on index cards, ones I have glued inside a small notebook. My father was the artistic-type--and the griller. So I learned how to discern between a medium-rare and a medium-well steak; I learned that only people who actually like meat will order it medium-rare. (My opinion: Folks who order it medium-well might just consider vegetarianism.) And, my mom was the cook of the basic American meal--casseroles, spaghetti and the like. No less important, these lessons provided a foundation for everything I do now.

And, what do I do? I cook as I write--for an audience. When I cook, my family and friends are my audience. I give them some of what they want and expect and, all the while, work to surprise and tantalize, to entertain and excite. I want them to be energized in body mind and spirit when they are done, to say that that was the best meal, to date, that they have had, and to let me know that they want more.

So, why do I cook? Hey, I cook for the response, for the theater of it all. I cook because I am permitted to spend money on something we all need to do anyway--eat--and feel OK about the fact that spending my money is a shared venture. I cook because people need to eat and because I need to write. And, if I can't write--since I really can't do that all the time since it's such a solitary venture--then I can cook because cooking, though still solitary, translates to communal experience fairly quickly. Cooking is more immediate, more immediately physical. Cooking engages all of the senses and reinforces mental acuity. So, what do you want? Soup? Breakfast burritos? Venison pasta? Eat, drink and be merry. Ciao,(yeah, pun intended!)


randy said...

Hi. My name is Randy. I live in a south suburb in a small town called Worth. My major in school is television. I like to play sports or watch sports with my spare time. I play football,baseball,basketball. I love watching the cubs and bears. Watching and playing sports gives me goosebumps and a rush. I live with my best friend kyle. I am not single lol. Im dating the love of my life morgann. We've been dating for over three years and going on four.

sXe wade said...

My name is Wade and I live in Lake Zurich and I love music and all types some more then others. I go to every concert I can, I have been to well over 100 concerts and may be close to the 150 range near the end of summer. A few of my favortie bands are CKY, GWAR, Dethklok, and Rule 22. Ive seen the frist 3 bands almost 20 together and the other band some where in the range of over 50 since they are local. I love music so much because you can feel a different way just by playing a band, album, or even just one song. In my opinion concerts are better then anything and i have to ways to tell if I had a good time and they are 1)if it was free or close to free this being under 10 bones and 2) if I got hurt in anyway shape or form, if i cant walk the next day or my ears feel like they are bleeding I feel I got my moneys worth. I really hate blogging with a passion because when I type here i dont use all the right type and grammer so I look like a idiot and i also just think blogging was made by satan himself and this whole fad needs to burn in hell.

sXe wade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Music has always been something that my mind is consumed with. No matter what I'm doing, I'm either singing lyrics in my head, or playing my car stereo on headaching volumes. I guess with listening to my pops bang Nas' "Rewind," (among others songs) in his 5.0 Mustang, I was destined to love Music.

My household was very diverse when it came to music. Artists from The Police, Al Green, Kriss Kross, 2Pac, The Who, KRS-One, Aaliyah, Total, Boyz II Men, SWV, etc. there was always some form of music for me to put in my stereo and overplay till the words from every song were glued in my brain.

Music for me is like food for the soul. I'm consumed by it. I listen to all categories (except country and heavy metal). Not only am I an artist (Social) but I'm a fan as well. Actually in my opinion, every famous artist/musician starts out as a fan. They have to have that passion for what art form they are doing. They have to have that want to be one of the greatest of all time, that hunger. Having that thirst is what seperates legendary artists (LL Cool J, 2Pac, Biggie) from not so legendary artists (Shawty Lo, Soulja Boy, Chingy).

My drive and willingness to do whatever is neccessary to reach my goals in life, makes me who I am. I just have always had this thought of never settling for mediocre, when I can be amazing. My driving force is my passion and perserverance, what's yours?

Ca$h Flow Movement said...

My name is Jeffrey Freeman, I'm from Chicago. I'm 19 years old and i like music, money, and fashion. I grew up on the westside of Chicago and it was rough. I've seen alot in my life such as people getting killed, raped, robbed, and even torchered. My mother raised me to distance myself away from negative or none good things. I was tault that if you want something put your all in to it and you will succeed. My way of living is simple, I work, go to school, and chill with my family. I'm not an angle but doing wrong is not right for me. I see life as a challenge because god will throw things at you to see your reaction and how you hanlde things. I do right things beacause what doesn't show in the dark will show in the light. I didn't grow up with a farther so it makes me very anxious to have kids. I want to take car of my kids and raise them to become the future. My purpose of being in this program is to change the world and my life. I want to creat music no one has ever done,take care of my family, and become very successful. Life to me is great, but It's not perfect so I'm going to stay focus at all times. I've struggled my whole life to make it and I'm not there yet. Which mean I'm going to have to work harded. This program should gide me to the road I want to ride for the rest of my life. I'm determained to make it and I will with do all means.

Ashlee_Atelophobia said...

I Am a cheerleader and a runner. these sports so my determination and drive. i love to work hard and accomplished things in a team or group settings. when i joined cheerleading i chose to do it because my older sister had done it and it was fun to watch her be thrown up in the air and caught. being on the cheerleading team was amazing because i was able to do the same exact things that my sister did in cheer that i idolized her for.
Over my high school years i have learned to take pride in alot of things that i do. i have pride for the amount of determination and work i put in track and field. i ran the 4x4, 1x4 high jump and long jump. in all of these factors of track and field i excited in all and won many trophys. i ran for plainfield north high school in plainfield illinois. i loved it and i loved the amount of pride that everyone not only on my track and field team but in the whole school had. in school i was known as the "short runner" i was the shortest person on the team (5`1) yet i was very fast and i could jump very high. The determination and drive that i developed from cheerleading and track motivated me to succed further in life.

Anonymous said...

My name is Thomas Juawon Thompson but my friends and family call me Juawon. I love music from all different genres but most of all I love hip-hop and r&b. My major at Columbia to major in music production/music business. I played football my freshman and sophmore year of high school. I enjoy playing basketball, football, swimming, and recording my songs with my group. Coming to Columbia I hope that i will accomplish my goal, make new friends, have fun, and network. The people I can say who inspire me is my family but my #1 inspiration is God nothing more nothing less. I hope that I will be sucessful at Columbia because I have a little sister and three little cousins that look up to me and I want to show them that nothing is impossible. So far I can truly say that I like the Bridge program the instructors are nice and friendly and my fellow classmates are cool too. Now more about me, i've been rapping for about two years now and I can truly say that i'm good at what i do. I don't rap solo i'm in a group called the Ranger Gang. Now let me break it down what "Ranger Gang" means. We call ourselves that because the word "Ranger" means good guy like a local sheriff in a neighborhood and we use gang at the end because we our a big family. It's only two of us, my cousin Marsshawn or ACE DA DON and me RICO BLACK. We've done talent shows and won at least two of them and we've done two mixtapes. We're willing to collab with any artist who's music means something. Yall can check our music page at ricoblack2008@myspace.com

J.Royce said...

Whatsup everybody this is Jeremy I am 19 years old and I reside in Merrillville Indiana and I plan on attending Columbia to pursue my dream in broadcast journalism. What lead me to further my education was my generation and how we are constantly criticized of what we are not doing. Society always has something to say negative to let us know that there are too many obstacles for us to succeed. We realize that there are numerous obstacles that are going to be headed our way we know this. Thats why I plan on being an activist and letting my generation know that they are capable of succeeding and accomplishing their goals. Thats why i picked broadcast journalism not only to be seen but also to be heard. I am very passionate about the well being of my generation. In the meantime when my mine is drained from thinking how to better tomorrow I swim as a hobby, I hang out with fiends and try to be active in my community. I am very family oriented. After high school I took a year off so that makes me class of "2007". In that year I worked and partied so that brings me to the now and Im ready to handle business.

JM said...

Whats up people my name is John McClinton, and my major is Music Buisness. Im probley the coolest dude you will ever meet. I keep it 100, i stay sucker free,and im a very laid back dude. I love music, its been a part of my life since a child. Music is all i ever wanted to do. Thats why im here in the bridge program at Columbia. Im here to defeat the odds and turn nothing into something.

L.S. said...

My name is louis vanarsdale and I am majoring in music business I have recently attended high school and barber college while going to high school. I have been pretty succesful in the field of making money researching information that can be useful to not only me but others. Through my hard work I have built a stable number of contacts that help me make desicions and tell me when and where I should invest money or my time. Even though I have found out that the biggest investment has been in my self. I have finished a trade and have aquired a license in barber styling before I received my high school diploma. After high school I open up a small delivery company called LT supplys later changed to international barber and beauty supplys. The company eventually came to slow period not hault because me and my partner had different views later on in the business. So we had split up and he went his way and I went mine. At the end of this I wasn't mad because I was learning all the wrong ways to run a business so when I do it again I would know what to do.

Talya said...

The names Natalya(na-tile-ya). Most people pronounce it wrong but im used to it. Lets see I am originally from California the south-eastern area of L.A. Now i reside in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I grew up in a area where there arent many opportunities for the residents that reside there. I was very fortunate to have my mother because she put me into several activities that I would have never been able to be apart of if it was not for her. I like to play the piano, love to sing. Im a hardworker and i strive to be the best. Ive always been taught that persistants is a blessing because some people dont have it.

I am a artsy person. I mean I love the arts as a whole. Whether its music dance or paintings i love it. My first love is music though. Im infatuated with it. Its my need and my stimulus. Its my theraputic need as well. Music is not just my hobby it is what I want to do. I've been singing and playing the piano since I was six years old. Music and the performing arts have always been around. My mom used to always take my to plays or talent shows. She would always play older music in the house so I have a love for many genre's. I am very ecletic with my music styles. depending on my mood I may listen to rap or r&b (which are 2 of my favorites) but i also listen to jazz, the blues, rock, pop, and country. I feel like music has many different sounds so to be a great musician you should be able to pull from all genres to make your own sound. Music is my passion and my love.

The number one thing I love to do is travel because I love to eat. I love not just seeing other cultures but also experiencing some of the things that specific culture may take part in. The best way to get to know a place, I think is through food. Every culture has their own dish. For example in Jamaica jerk chicken, rice, and beans, is a well known dish through out the island. Another example would be in Europe fish and chips. Fish and chips can be lunch and dinner. It is a dish that most people would love if they would visit. There are so many more countries I would love to indulge in. I want to explore the world in places that would be unseen to the average person. I have been very blessed I can say. I have been to five countries and at 18 that is very unlikely for the majority of my peers. Ive been to Bahamas, Jamaica, Aruba, Europe, and India. I went to Japan and Germany when I was younger because i was a military brat(my mom was in the army) but I dont remember anything. I love the world and all the treasures that it holds and I hope to see many more in the future.

urlookingverySHANE said...

Okay well my name is Teniya. I was born in chicago but i mainly live lived in naperville Illinois. I went to waubonsie Valley High school or WVHS in A-town (thats what people would call it when they wanted to sound "GANGSTER" but lets face it, we were all just a bunch of suburban kids. I love to draw I'll do anytime of the day. I use to be in chorus but i dropped out cause my teacher was....weird. i am majoring in Fashion Design i have been sewing for like 4 years and love to do it its soo much fun. I haave the attention span of a rodent so its really hard for me to concentrate somtime im random, a real free spirt i think that people should not judge one another just because of race, gender, etc. i like a new millienium hippie! peace hahaha random. See told ya random! anywho....I'm sooo xcited to being going to this school its the best. i love to eat! i talk like a grandpa some times! when i say that i mean i use words like whippersnapper and etc. My idols are like Kate Moennig, Victoria Beckham and Marylin Monroe and im not just saying that they are major! My favorite music is Dance Techno, like european music basically i am so going to live in london. well i basically told my life story soo im guessing thats my cue to leave! well then Auf Wiedersehen! that's german for good bye. I got it from Heidi Klum!